Being Happy

Afterall, what does it mean "being happy"?
Is it being with the person you love, or being surrounded by the people you care; having lots of friends or being able to do all the things you want to? Is it that simple?
I actually believe that being happy envolves lots of different things, it's the union of all that makes you feel good. And I also believe, it's not an easy thing. Happiness is a dream of a lot of people, and some of them never are able to reach it. So, if you consider yourself happy, believe that you are a lucky person. And every single day, think of that and treat everyone around you with more respect, more love, and more attention.
The simplest moments are the ones that matters the most in the end.


6 comentários:

  1. Obrigada pela visita, volte sempre!
    Também gostei do teu blog, amei o layout!

  2. that's great! i love reading in english.
    and i agree about the simplest moments...
    I'll follow you... =)

  3. voce devia colocar um link de tradutor aqui.
    facilitaria. muito.

  4. I agree wiht all you wrote! very nice blog!
