
Have you ever heard of somebody who feels afraid or dislikes anything that is different or unfamiliar? Have you ever seen somebody acting in a rude way when in contact with people of other social or ethnic groups? If you have, you probably know a xenophobe, because xenophobia is an irrational hate of anything or anybody that looks different.

People tend to fear and distrust who are not like themselves, and it is not good. The intolerance of differences can result in prejudices, fights, vandalism, etc. The racism, homophobia, and religious intolerances, are subcategories of xenophobia, and this is some of principal causes of violence around the world.

Everybody is strange, have problems, and have differences, but everybody have to respect this.

Por: Gabriel Polo

6 comentários:

  1. o blog é bom, textos ótimos, mas pra quem entende inglês. Se quer fazer sucesso com seu blog, faça em português, afinal esse google tradutor é horrível..
    Mas parabéns pelo blog, bem organizado.


  2. This is true even for us it's all so normal .. What a mistake!



  3. aah, explicado! KODASOPK Sucesso!

  4. that´s a nice text!
    too many people suffer prejudice, just because they´re considered different. It´s very important talk about this, and try to minimize the suffering of them. Nobody is better then nobody, that´s the truth!
    Congratulations sweetie!

  5. and another comment: the image you chose rocks!
